Nature – At it’s Best

Nothing can compare with the natural beauty along Route 5. It contains half of Galway’s Nature reserves and in all it also contains the largest forest parks, national parks and the most Galway Golden Miles.

Coole Park Nature reserve

Nature Reserves

Of the 8 Nature Reserves in the whole of Galway – 4 of them are along Route 5 with Coole Park and Ballynastaig being the most predominant.

Route 5 also skirts close to Caher (Murphy) Nature Reserve in Clare.

Forest Parks

Portumna Forest Park

Golden Miles

South Galway has 5 Golden Miles awards that are reflective of both the beauty of South Galway and the incredible awareness and support of the locals communities of raising awareness of their amenities

Gort’s Golden Mile
Yeat’s Golden Mile

National Parks

Red Route 5 comes with a few kilometers of the Burren National Park

Special Areas of Conservation

South Galway has a high number of special areas of conservation. These are prime wildlife conservation areas in the country, considered to be important on a European as well as Irish level and include the protection of habitats (Turloughs, Bogs ,Caves) and Rivers as well as many species of flora, fauna, fish and Birds.

These special areas off a wide variety of natural interests for visitors all within easy access of Route 5.

The Disappearing Rivers of South Galway

Because of the karst landscape of the Burren Lowlands, the Rivers of South Galway are very unique in Ireland and internationally. The Owendalluleagh river disappears and reappears 6 times on its journey from the Slieve Aughty mountains to the sea, and at at each reappearance it dons a different name. These rivers are synonymous with the wide range of Turloughs in South Galway and all flow into the main Turlough of Coole Lake, which then take their final journey underground into the sea at Galway Bay in Kinvara and Curranroo.

Check out Kiltartan River Rise

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